Wilcox G24 vs Norotos RHNO II D Night Vision Helmet Mounts

Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D
A side profile of the 2 mounts shows the design differences including the glide-rite for/aft adjustment on the RHNO II D and how the hinge location affects the profile of the mount in the stowed position. The G24 and the RHNO II D have nearly identical distance from the eye when positioned fully extended.
When flipped up the Wilcox G24 is extremely low profile and sits close to the helmet.
When flipped up the Wilcox G24 is extremely low profile and sits close to the helmet.


Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D
Comparison in the stowed position reveals the much lower profile of the Wilcox G24.
Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D
The G24 features a push-button while the RHNO II D is a force to overcome style mount.
Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D
A side profile of the 2 mounts shows the design differences including the glide-rite for/aft adjustment on the RHNO II D and how the hinge location affects the profile of the mount in the stowed position. The G24 and the RHNO II D have nearly identical distance from the eye when positioned fully extended.
Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D
The Wilcox G24 also features a vertical adjustment for a better positioning of the attached optic.
Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D
The fore/aft adjustment on the G24 used a push-button and teeth, and the fore/aft on the RHNO II2 uses a slide lock for more precise adjustment.

Comparison Wilcox G24 and Norotos RHNO II D

What is the difference in the Sightmark Photon XT 6.5S and Photon XT 6.5L?

Whats the difference in the Photon 6.5S and the Photon 6.5L?

There are 2 different versions of the Photon XT 6.5. The only difference between the 2 models is the type of infrared illuminator on each unit has on-board.

The 6.5S model has an LED IR illuminator, the 6.5L has a laser IR Illuminator, and the 6.5L model is $50 more than the 6.5S. The laser IR on the 6.5L throws farther than the LED IR on the 6.5S, but the laser is much more grainy than the LED IR illuminator on the 6.5S which throws a nice smooth circular beam pattern. Both on-board IR illuminators offer less than enough beam throw and distance to allow the operator to advantage of the Photon XT 6.5(S and L) impressive range capabilities. Both on-board IRs also have a fixed beam pattern, meaning there is no option to focus the beam pattern smaller or in a different direction. If you don’t plan on using any type of external IR illuminator, it is best to choose the Photon XT 6.5L. The IR laser on this model consumes less battery power and offers better range.

There is, however, an external IR illuminator option that offers incredible throw distance, a focusable beam pattern, and better battery life – the UNV 20-IR Long Range LED IR Illuminator. If you are considering the use of an external IR, then there is no need to spend the extra $50 for the 6.5L model. Go with the 6.5S, and add a UNV 20-IR.

Using an external IR with the Photon 6.5
There are a few benefits to using an external IR illuminator like the UNV-20IR vs the on-board illuminators on the Photon XT line of scopes. First, the 20-IR will dramatically increase your usable range. Second, any external IR will dramatically increase your battery life since the onboard IR is not pulling any power from the Photon XT’s battery supply. Lastly, the UNV 20IR is focuable, dimmable, and uses a rechargeable battery making it versatile and easy to use with other night vision devices.


Helmet Mounting Options for the Horn/Bayonette Interface

There are many options for mounting your night vision or thermal device to a helmet. In the images below we take a look at the form and function of the 3 most popular horn/bayonette style interface mounts; the Norotos Legacy RHNO Mount, Norotos RHNO 2 H Mount, and the Wilcox G11

Front view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs  Wilcox G11
Front view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs Wilcox G11



Left view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs  Wilcox G11
Left view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs Wilcox G11



Fore/Aft adjustment view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs  Wilcox G11
Fore/Aft adjustment view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs Wilcox G11



Vertical adjustment view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs  Wilcox G11
Vertical adjustment view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs Wilcox G11



Stowed view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs  Wilcox G11
Stowed view of the RHNO 2 H vs RHNO Legacy vs Wilcox G11



Norotos RHNO Legacy

  • Known for wobble issues
  • Highest profile mount
  • Points your NVD display down range increasing your signtaure.
  • Least expensive of the 3 mounts.

Norotos RHNO 2 H

  • Smaller profile than the Legacy, but not as low profile as the G11.
  • “Glide-Rite” infinitely adjustable fore/aft and 1 inch of vertical adjustment
  • Less wobble than the Legacy

Wilcox G11

  • Smallest profile of all 3 mounts
  • Lightest of all 3 mounts

Wilcox G24 vs G11

Here are some images we recently took to educate customers wanting to helmet mount the IR Patrol. These pictures explain the differences in the Wilcox G11 and G24.

Wilcox G24 vs G11
Both mounts have a low profile, but the G24 takes the cake for the smallest profile.
Wilcox G24 vs G11
Wilcox G11 on the left, and G24 on the Right.
Wilcox G24 vs G11
Left side of the G11 and G24
Wilcox G24 vs G11
In this image we can see the interface release on the G11 and G24.
Wilcox G24 vs G11
There is no push-button to flip the mount from down to stowed on the G11, because it uses force-to-overcome. You can also see the difference in the for/aft adjustment and how the dovetail interface reduces the overall for/aft needed.
Wilcox G24 vs G11
Here you can see a close up of the Wilcox dovetail interface.
Wilcox G24 vs G11
The G24 also has a breakaway feature that the G11 does not.

Running Dual PVS-14s – Wilcox Dual PVS-14 Bridge Vs Integrated Components D-14 Dual Bridge

We have been seeing a lot of interest in the Wilcox dual bridge and the Integrated Components D-14. Here are a couple pics that explain the difference in size and function. Feel free to ask questions.

IC vs Wilcox Bridge-mounts-2ed
The Wilcox Dual PVS-14 Bridge on the Left and the IC D-14 on the right.

61300G06---1ed 61300G06-B-5 61300G06-B-4 61300G06-B-3

Wilcox and IC Bridge-mounts-1ed
Both units flipped up to demonstrate the different in eye relief from the dovetail mount that inserts into your NVG flip up mount. The Wilcox Dual PVS-14 Bridge on the Left and the IC D-14 on the right.